The John Paul II Institute was founded by the decision of the Senate of the Catholic University of Lublin on 25 June 1982. It is intended as an “interdepartmental research and didactic unit” of the Catholic University of Lublin, dedicated to the study of “the thought of John Paul II, and participation in the community of persons in the spirit of Christ’s teaching as preached by John Paul II” (an extract from the Statute of the Institute).
The activities of the Institute concentrate on the philosophy and theology of man and morality, as well as on the study of the apostolic mission of the late Pope John Paul II. The Institute pursues its aims by holding research symposia, by research and didactic activities – the latter in the form of organizing seminars, and also by publishing work. The John Paul II Institute comprises the Research Council chaired by Rev. Prof. Andrzej Szostek, the Board of the Institute, Director, Prof. Ewa Agnieszka Lekka-Kowalik.